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MA in Fine Art, Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KMD), Norway

MA in Sound Art, The Nordic Sound Art program, Scandinavia


BA in Fine Art, Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KMD), Norway


Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD), exchange semester, Switzerland


KY, Hantverksakademin (craft academy apprentice school, ceramics), Stockholm, Sweden


Dalarö Folkhögskola, (collage of continuing education, arts/craft), Stockholm, Sweden




COAL Art and Environmental Prize (nominee 'Tides')


Prix Ars Electronica, Hybrid Art (honorary mention 'Haem')


Bio Art & Design Awards (BADA) (award winner 'Haem')


VIDA 16.0 Fundación Telefónicas Art & Artificial Life International Awards (second prize 'The Iron Ring')




(ongoing) The Toxins Color System, site-specific project for Anthropogenic Soils, Norwegian Bio Art Arena (NOBA), UiO, Vitenparken Ås, Norway


(ongoing) Drift, permanent public artwork for Sunnfjord Municipality. Site-specific larger sculpture in mirror-polished steel and custom-made concrete of local stones and sediment, for the citypark and bike bridge at Naustøya, Førde, Norway


(ongoing) Tidas Sediment (Ballastrøysa i Sagvågen), permanent public artwork for Stord Municipality. Site-specific project in three parts, wall and window installation at Nysæter ungdomsskule, kultur og idrettspark (junior high school). Sagvåg, Stord, Norway


Cause and Effect, temporary public artwork for Vestlandsutstillingen and Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum. Site-specific installation consisting of two ephemeral sculptures in soap with rutile and titanium-dioxide shown by the fjord in Byparken, Førde, Norway


Two Stones a Head, permanent public artwork for Agder County Council. Site-specific project for the canteen, walking-bridge and aula consisting of UV-prints on foil and dichroic glass at Eilert Sundt VGS (high school), Farsund, Norway


The Forbidden Garden, temporary artwork for Rejmyre Art LAB, behind the Rejmyre Inn and Glass factory, Rejmyre, Sweden


A Reflection, in a Rock, Permanent public artwork for Hordaland County Council. Site-specific project in three parts, outdoor sculpture and two indoor wall installations at Tertnes VGS (high school), Bergen, Norway


Prospecting: A Geological Survey of Greys, temporary public artwork for The Dark Ecology project. Site-specific sculpture consisting of drilling residue and erected rock-core samples (80x270cm, borehole 170m), Prestefjellet, Kirkenes, Norway (curated by Sonic Acts/Hilde Methi)




Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde, Norway




Contemporary Diagram – Berlin, Hvelvet, Oseana, Os, Norway


Contemporary Diagram – Berlin, Telemark Kunstsenter, as part of Greenlight district, Skien, Norway

The Iron Ring, Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre (TEKS), Norway


Contemporary Diagram – Berlin, Ernst Schering Foundation, Berlin, Germany (curated by Singuhr – projects)

Geological Imagination, Terminal B, Kirkenes, Norway (curated by Sonic Acts/Hilde Methi)

Prospecting: A Geological Survey of Greys II, Árdna, SALT, Oslo, Norway (curated by Sonic Acts/Hilde Methi)

Mareograph, Volt, Årstadkaien/Bergen Public Library, dep. local history, Norway (curated by Marie Nerland)


Prospecting: A Geological Survey of Greys II, Visningsrummet USF, Bergen, Norway

RGG, Babel Art Space, Trondheim, Norway


Paradoxes of a Diamond, Museum of Natural History, Venice, Italy

The Iron Ring, Stazione Di Topolò, Italy (catalogue)


The Iron Ring, Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway

Seed of Metals, CirkulationsCentralen, Malmö, Sweden


Stratigrafi, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway (in collaboration with Signe Lidén)

Hypothesis of a Geo-Magnetic Pull, Tag Team Studio, Bergen, Norway


Ribbon of Rust, Gallery Fisk, Bergen, Norway




(ongoing) Allmenningens Tragedie, Jugendstilsenteret og KUBE, Ålesund, Norway

Toxic Transits, The Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden

Art in Motion, Østfold kunstsenter, Fredrikstad, Norway


Becoming Geological, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Vestlandsutstillingen 100-year, traveling exhibition, west coast, Norway

Dei Ekstraordinære – Nye verk i samlinga, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde, Norway

Criss–Crossing Ecologies, Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, Finland

Dearest Y, Garage, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (curated by Fadwa Naamna)

Blokk 10-year, Visningsrummet USF, Bergen, Norway


Styrlause prosessar II, Art Center Kabuso, Øystese, Norway (curated by Sissel Lillebostad/Arild H. Eriksen)

Fictional Life, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei, Taiwan


Evolutionaries, MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Styrlause prosessar I, Art Center Kabuso, Øystese, Norway (curated by Sissel Lillebostad/Arild H. Eriksen)

Criss–Crossing Ecologies, group exhibition at Annantalo Arts Centre, Helsinki, Finland   

The Camille Diaries, Art Laboratory Berlin, Germany


Immortality, 5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Blackbox (video screening), Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


A New State of the Living, PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia (curated by Dmitry Bulatov)

SOIL SKY SKIN, Ferrotopia, NDSM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (curated by Angelique Spaninks)

Life at the Edges, Science Gallery Dublin, Ireland

Matter of Horror, Solyanka State Gallery, Moscow, Russia

HAEM – Unfolding paths of the placenta (video screening), Chassé Theater, Breda, The Netherlands

This Rare Earth - Stories from Below, Artefact at Stuk, Leuven, Belgium


Blood: Life Uncut, Science Gallery London, Copeland Gallery, United Kingdom

CyberArts, Prix Ars Electronica Archiv, Linz, Austria

Blood: Attract & Repel, Science Gallery Melbourne, Australia

Fluid Matter, The Oude Hortus, University Museum Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ultimo Scenario, Haukeland University Hospital's closed Children Clinic, Bergen, Norway

Art in Motion, Gallery Boa, Oslo, Norway (catalogue)


Fluid Matter, MU Artspace, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (curated by Angelique Spaninks/William Myers)

Nexus, Gallery Mario Mazzoli, Berlin, Germany

Regeneration Movement, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan (catalogue)

Skumringssoner, Seljord Kunstforening, Norway (catalogue)

Vestlandsutstillingen, traveling exhibition, west coast Norway


Nordic Music Days, Christian IV Bryghus, Copenhagen, Denmark

Art in Motion, Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway (catalogue)

Out of Place, Edifici Disseny Hub Barcelona, Spain (curated by Rosa Pera) (catalogue)

Kjerringøy Land Art Biennale, Kjerringøy, Norway

Making_Life, Lasipalatsi Näyttely, Helsinki, Finland


Living in a hybrid environment, Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn, Norway (curated by Erich Berger) (catalogue)

Alt_Chp 14 Assemble, Fabrikken, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cold Current, Mauriziano, Reggio Emilia, Italy


V2_ Lab Show, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Augmented Spatiality, Hökarängsplan, Stockholm, Sweden (curated by Maria Andueza)

NOR 13, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm, Norway

Chroma IV, Volt, Skostredet 20, Bergen, Norway

Summer Sessions, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Odds, Gamle Yrkesskolen, Odda, Norway (catalogue)

LAK - Festival for Nordic Sound Art, PB43, Copenhagen, Denmark

Knock knock, Carl Berner Metro station, Oslo, Norway

Soundings 2, MA graduation show, Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark (catalogue)

A ride full of Traps, MA graduation show, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway (catalogue)

Between the Four, F- Block Gallery, Bristol, United Kingdom


Rainforest IV, NSA performance/sound installation, Singuhr Hörgalerie, Berlin, Germany

Wet sounds, SPOR festival, Århus, Denmark

17 m.o.h., Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen, Norway 


Freitag und Robinson in Berlin, Skulpturenpark, Berlin, Germany (catalogue)

300+ X, Porzellanikon European Industrial Museum for Porcelain, Selb, Germany (catalogue)


D’iles et d’identité, LIVEINYOURHEAD, Geneva, Switzerland

Naturally, Museum of Natural History, Bergen, Norway




(upcoming) Anthropogenic Soils (SOILS), Norwegian Bio Art Arena (NOBA), Vitenparken Ås, Norway (September–October)


Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale (NKD), Dale, Norway (June–August)


National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russia (August)

Detox–Clean it up, Rejmyre Art LAB, Sweden (July)


Singuhr – projects, Berlin, Germany (July–September)


Lademoen Kunstner Verksteder (LKV), Trondheim, Norway (January–February)

The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Trondheim, Norway (January–February)


Triangle France, Marseille, France (October–December)

Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, Italy (February–April, June) (catalogue)


Summer Sessions, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (July–September)

The Iron Quadrangle, research travel, Espírito Santo/Minas Gerais, State Brazil (May)


Infinite Gestures, Rejmyre Art LAB, Rejmyre, Sweden (August 18–27)




Arts Council Norway, working grant, 3-years


Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support


Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support

City of Bergen, international support


Arts Council Norway, working grant, 5-years


City of Bergen, interdisciplinary art, project support

City of Bergen, culture stipend, working grant


Arts Council Norway, working grant, 1-year

City of Bergen, interdisciplinary art, AiR–Berlin grant

City of Bergen, interdisciplinary art, project support

Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support

Visningsrummet USF, exhibition grant


Hordaland County Council, working grant

Arts Council Norway, State exhibition grant

The Association of Norwegian Visual Artist (NBK), project support

Arts Council Norway, Fund for Sound and Image, project support

Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support (2 stipends)

City of Bergen, interdisciplinary art, project support


Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), international project support

Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support

Norwegian Visual Artists Association (NBK), project support

City of Bergen, electronic art/interdisciplinary art, project support (2 stipends)

Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), AiR–Venice grant


Arts Council Norway, working grant for young new established artists, 3-years


Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support

City of Bergen, interdisciplinary art, project support


Production Network for Electronic Art (PNEK), AiR­­–Rotterdam grant

City of Bergen, electronic art/international, project support (2 stipends)

The Association of Norwegian Visual Artist (NBK), project support

Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support (3 stipends)

The Association of Norwegian Visual Artist (BKFH), working grant, 1-year

Arts Council Norway, establishment scholarship for young new established artists


Arts Council Norway, Culture Fond, project support


Fabrikör J.L. Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse, scholarship, 1-year


Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse, international, project support (2 stipends)



2018, 2020–2023

External examinator, BA in Art, University of Bergen, Faculty of Arts, Music and Design (KMD), Norway


Presentation, Detox–Clean it up seminar, Rejmyre Art LAB, Sweden

Guest teacher, Scenography as Symbiosis, Norwegian Theatre Academy/NOBA, Ås, Norway

2019– Ongoing

Board member, VOLT, Bergen, Norway        


Presentation, FAEN - Female Artistic Experiments Norway, Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway

Presentation, National Centre of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Presentation, Salon Digital, Bremen, Germany

Guest teacher, University of Bergen, Faculty of Arts (KMD), Norway

Presentation, Norwegian Bio Art Arena (NOBA), NMBU, Oslo, Norway


Presentation, A New State of the Living, PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia

Presentation, Traces of us in the depths, Volt, Bergen Public Library, Norway


Presentation, LECTURES, Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

Board member, Avgarde, Bergen, Norway

Presentation, FIBER Festival, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Presentation, Fluid Matter Special, MU Artspace, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Presentation, Monday Lecture series, Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHiB), Norway


Presentation, Out of Place Talks, FADFest, Edifici Disseny Hub Barcelona, Spain

Presentation, Stazione Di Topolò, Italy


Organizer, Art in Science seminar, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway.


Guest teacher, Re-Design/Up-Cycling, Teacher Education Program, Bergen University College, Norway


Assistant for Mark Dion: DEN, permanent artwork Vedahaugane, National Tourist Routes, Norway



Mona Pahle Bjerke, "Fellesskapets verdier som forsvinner," Nrk Kultur, anmeldelse, July, 2024.

Becoming Geological, V2_ Publishing, 2022.

Rejmyre Art LAB, “The Forbidden Garden,” DETOX–Clean it up, 2022. 51-63.

Sarah van Binsbergen, “Blood, placenta, iron, compass: Haem by Cecilia Jonsson is not only serene, but also strange,” de Volkskrant, Artwork of the Week, March 25, 2022. 7. 

Elektronisk Kunst i Norge, “Cecilia Jonsson – The Iron Ring,” TEKS Press, 2021. 124-125.

Mini Maousse 8, Et Vogue L’Architecture, “Climatiques: Tides,” 2021. 148­–149.

Davia Lagos, “Creating before the risk of submission,” Marges – contemporary art, 2021.

Michael Laun, ”I Bjerknes’ ånd,” Subjekt, September 2, 2020.

Erich Berger, ”Radical Witnessing and the Scope of the Real,” Art as We Don’t Know It, Aalto ARTS Books, 2020. 74-75.

Åsa Stjerna, ”Järn – ljud – bakterier, Cecilia Jonssons transformationer” Nutida Musik, no. 276, Sweden, 2019. 6–25.

Hordaland County Council, “Kunst på Tertnes vidaregåande skule – Cecilia Jonsson”, December, 2019.

Sofia Bergmann, "Cecilia Jonsson Serenades Sewage Bacteria," Berlin Art Link, Germany, October 11, 2018.

Ana Rosa Ibáñez, "On the crossing of Art, Science and Sounds," Rotunda Magazine, Chile, November 26, 2018.

Michaela Gericke, "Cecilia Jonsson, schwedische Künstlerin," Kulturradio RBB, Germany, September 18, 2018.

Berlin Art Week, "Cecilia Jonsson/Schering Stiftung," Behind the Scenes, Germany, September 19, 2018.

Anne Waak, "Cecilia Jonsson, What are you doing in the sewer?," Berlin Art Week Magazine, Germany, September, 2018. 14-15.

Klimaaksjonen, “Mareograf av Cecilia Jonsson,Norwegian Writer’s Climate Campaign, Norway, January 27, 2018.

Inga Walton, “A Bloody Business – Blood: Attract & Repel,Trouble Magazine, no. 149, Australia, September 1, 2017. 36–37, 44–46.

The Imaginary Reader, Volt, Norway, 2016. 76–77.

Living Earth: Field Notes from the Dark Ecology Project 14-16, Sonic Acts Press, The Netherlands, 2016. 175–181.

Regine Debatty, ”Interview with Cecilia Jonsson, the artist who extracts iron from invasive weeds,” We Make Money Not Art, April 13, 2015. 

Roberta Bosco, Stefano Caldana, ”Ecologia de la descontaminación,” The Aquae Fundación, February 25, 2015.

Max Fage-Pedersen, DR P2 radio, Denmark, September 29, 2015.

(Published writing) The Iron Ring, co-production with V2_ Publishing, 2014. ISBN: 978 82 303 2792 0.

Gunhild Horgmo, ”Bioreflektioner,” Billedkunst, no. 6, Norway, 2014. 51.

Niels van Maanen, ”New Alchemy: Nieuwe Materie – The Iron Ring project,” Metropolis M, no. 2, The Netherlands, 2014. 84–87.

Anna-Karin Andersson, ”Cecilia Jonsson ”The Seed of Metals” at CirkulationsCentralen,” May, 2014.

Associazione Culturale Flag NO Flags,”The Iron Ring,” February 15, 2014. 

V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media,”Cecilia Jonsson/Summer Sessions,” September, 2013.

Bjørn Hatterud, ”Den gode gamle lyden,” KUNSTforum, Norway, July 3, 2013.

Eira Søyseth, ” Plantespesial: Drivhuseffekten, Kunst møter vitenskap når blodgress fôres med Vivaldi,” ENO, no. 2, Norway, 2013. 76–78.Synnøve Vik, ”Få trusler,” Billedkunst, no. 4, Norway, 2012. 45–46. 



The Association of Norwegian Visual Artist (NBK)

Hordaland Association of Visual Artists (BKFH)






Phone: 0047 96876384, Email: cecilia.mb.jonsson(at)

© Cecilia Jonsson

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